Health Coaching Content


Personalized Support

To Help You Feel Your Best

Our team of experienced health coaches can help you set and achieve health goals. They can also provide valuable resources and support to help you make healthy lifestyle changes that can improve outcomes and your overall quality of life.

Get Ahead of Health Complications!

You can talk to a Health Coach by calling us at 1-855-699-6168, Monday – Friday,
7 a.m. – 6 p.m. Central Time. Participation is voluntary and confidential, with no additional cost to you.

giving advice

A health coach is like your health cheerleader, guide, and partner in care.

Healthy lifestyle choices can help you live a healthier and happier life. A health coach can help create a health plan to reduce your risk of chronic diseases, including:

  • Eating habits
  • Smoking cessation
  • Sleep and relaxation
  • Physical activity
  • Lower stress levels

We understand that your needs vary based on your health goals and challenges.

That’s why we personalize your health coaching support to include the following professionals to meet your needs:

  • Nurses
  • Registered dietitians
  • Certified diabetic educators
  • Licensed clinical social workers
  • Licensed professional counselors
  • Pharmacists
showing a checklist

Your Blue Cross support team works with you to provide ongoing motivational and educational support.

They can help you:

  • Learn more about recommended healthcare services
  • Create a personalized nutrition and exercise plan
  • Adapt your lifestyle to promote better health
  • Explore strategies to achieve your health goals

With the help of your health coaching team, you can discover new ways to improve your well-being.

Have questions?

Email Us

This information is provided for general informational purposes. Information contained in this communication is not intended to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider regarding your healthcare needs.